Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul...


I know sambutan Maulidur Rasul sudah berlalu...
tp me nak share pic...
pic me and my hubby sambut Maulidur Rasul di Dewan Serbaguna Taman Sri Keramat AU2 ...
Our Community biasernyer akan buat sambutan Maulidur Rasul beramai2...
kali nie buat secara besar-besaran...
ada bacaan Al-Quran and ceramah daripada penceramah bertauliah...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wedding is not the point to losing your Hijab!


i read some entry about wearing hijab without losing your Identity...

from Fashioning Faith

it a good entry by the way...

"As human being, we have a multiple identities. One person's identity (or 'identities', for more accurate) might include all of multiple significant social categories. The identity is made up of his/her ethnicity, citizenship, political view, religion, and so on.

In term of citizenship identity, sometimes there are some people who do not want to wear hijab because they think they might lose their personal identity as a citizen/ethnic of some country. They think if they wear hijab, other people will assume that they are Arab, or wearing other culture's clothes that do not suit with their country.

As we already know, wearing hijab doesn't mean that we will losing our identities. We still could show our identities through, for example, our clothes.... whether we are a doctor, an engineer, a teenager, a mother, an American, a Russian, an Indonesian, a Japanese, a soccer fan, etc. (and also Malaysian)

We need to build a healthy sense of identity that allows us to be defined for who we are. We could be an Indonesian-muslim, a Korean-muslim, an American-muslim, Malaysian-muslim etc. We could be a muslim-baseball fan, a muslim-engineer, a muslim-lawyer, a muslim-mother, etc.

Islamic Horizons, an Islamic magazine in America, raises this identity issue in their March/April 2010 issue. You could read the online version here. There are some articles about identity issue on Islamic School in America.

In one of articles on that magazine, titled: Serving Tawheed and Turkey page 44, Erik Erikson, a famous child development expert, said that:
"Failure to achieve an identity can lead to confusion and despair".
So, it's important for us to develop our unique identity or self.

As a muslim woman who wears hijab, there is a whole new realm of possibility for our clothes, from traditional clothes to urban or modern outfits as long as you love it, there aren't any rules on what styles it should be..."
nice kan that entry...
kena sebijik kat muka...
the point yang me nampak in Malaysia...
when come to wedding ceremony...
the bride biasernyer akan wear Japan style...
Chinese style...
even Indonesian style like Jawa style and etc...
and wajib! wedding gown...
but tak salah if we wear all that kind of dress with hijab...
hijab make it look more nice...

memang la sometime people will say...
"ala...sekali seumur okey not wearing hijab"
for me..
the person that saying that it's funny...
it just my opinion...
it depends on individual...

so?what do u think???thanks for reading ya...

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